
Know-how, efficiency and professionalism ensure legal quality

Clear statements – know-how – efficiency – professionalism


We are an experienced team of specialists and experts in individual aspects of business law. 

Clear statements – know-how – efficiency – professionalism are our maxims for providing the best possible legal quality: an easily understandable decision-making basis instead of ambiguous or incomprehensible legal terminology.

Visions should turn into successful results. Meticulous planning and top-quality advice avoids the second-best solution from the very outset.

Every client has only one contact person who controls each step of the way.



Our partners also represent you at court. When developing projects and drawing up contracts, we put our experience gained in courts to good use: we keep our clients’ rights in mind, in order to exercise these same rights quickly and efficiently - just in case.  Amongst others, we successfully represented a client in Austria’s largest business law litigations in history.

Given our international background and expertise we also manage cross-border business projects. 

Our partner Gabriele BRAND-OGRIS is the first woman and the first Austrian lawyer to be president of the worldwide network of lawyers INTERLEGAL.



Our partners also represent you at court. When developing projects and drawing up contracts, we put our experience gained in courts to good use: we keep our clients’ rights in mind, in order to exercise these same rights quickly and efficiently - just in case.  Amongst others, we successfully represented a client in one of Austria’s largest business law litigations in history.



Given our international background and expertise we also manage cross-border business projects. For each international deal, we cooperate with the most suitable network partner law firm which provides the relevant know-how of national laws. As members of a number of multinational lawyer organisations we have established excellent contacts with foreign firms of solicitors. Working in close cooperation with such partners, we enjoy reciprocal relationships and render mutual support reliably and promptly in all questions relating to individual local laws.