- Diploma studies at the Vienna University
- Doctorate at the Vienna University, completed with honours
- Post graduate studies at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland: Master of European and International Business Law (M.B.L.-HSG) with outstanding success
- Admitted to the bar in Austria and the Czech Republic
- Approved stock market trader
- Antitrust Law / Private Enforcement
- Company Law an Corporate Law
- Capital Markets Law / Banking Law/ Securities Law
- Competition Law
- Arbitration Law
- Complex corporate litigations
- Real Estate Law
- Public Sector Employment Law
Career history
- 1992 - 1993 Associate with Baier Böhm Attorneys at Law
- 1993 - 1997 Associate with RA Dr. Michael GRAFF
- 1997 - Registration as a lawyer
- 1997 - 1999 Partner at Dr. Michael GRAFF - Dr. Michael BRAND Rechtsanwälte
- Since 1999 partner and managing director of Brand Rechtsanwälte GmbH
- 2021 Appointment as a generally sworn and court-certified expert for the protection of confidential information and business secrets pursuant to section 37 j (6) 4 KartG and section 26 h (2) UWG (FG 92.60 Competition Economics)
Michael Brand has published the book "Private Enforcement, a practical book ("Schadenersatz im Kartellrecht, Praxishandbuch Private Enforcement") at Linde which deals with all relevant practical questions.
Co-author in Baudenbacher (Ed.), Aktuelle Probleme des Europäischen und Internationalen Wirtschaftsrechts, Volume 2, 1999: Die Wertpapierdienstleistungsrichtlinie.
Numerous essays and decision reviews on current issues of commercial law.
Michael Brand publishes regularly on current legal topics and gives lectures and seminars.