- Diploma studies at Salzburg University
- Doctorate at Salzburg University
- Admitted to the bar in Austria
- Qualification examination for the regulated trade "real estate" (real estate manager and estate agent)
- Antitrust Law / Private Enforcement
- Civil law
- Constitutional and administrative law
- Criminal Law
- Real Estate Law
- Business Law, including Company Law and Private Trust Law
- Officials Disciplinary Law
- Communal law
Career history
- 2004 to 2012 Associate in renowned law firms and lawyer in the Chamber of Notaries
- Since September 2012 Attorney at Law
- Die Organisationsstruktur der Privatstiftung (Monographie), Verlag Springer 2004
- Müller/Fischer, Wieviel (Corporate/Foundation) Governance braucht die Privatstiftung?; Zeitschrift für Stiftungsrecht und Vermögensverwaltung 2009, 101-148
- Das Recht, in Kwas/Krenn (Hrsg.), Einstieg für Unternehmensgründer & Unternehmensentwickler, LexisNexis 2019, 425-437